North Africa Map. Egypt is by some definitions part of the Middle East, geographically it is a transcontinental country, the bigger part of the country stretches along the Nile in North Africa while the Sinai. Map of North Africa Click to see large. The Maghreb or Maghrib is a region of North Africa, the term refers to the five North African nations of Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Mauritania, and Libya. Middle East and North Africa map. Go back to see more maps of Africa. North Africa Map
Description: This map shows governmental boundaries, countries and their capitals in North Africa.
The "Black Continent" is divided roughly in two by the equator and surrounded by sea except where the Isthmus of Suez joins it to Asia.
North Africa Map It included campaigns fought in the Libyan and Egyptian deserts (Western Desert Campaign, also known as the Desert War) and in Morocco and Algeria (Operation Torch), as well as Tunisia (Tunisia Campaign). Description : North Africa Map shows the international boundaries of the North African nations and. Holding Control + Shift has the opposite result.