New World Fast Travel Map. New World Map is an interactive map with resource locations, gathering nodes, points of interest, dungeons, named mobs and lore pages. Returning to Inn in New World "Returning to Inn" is the best possible way of fast traveling in the New World because players can fast travel to an inn from any location on the entire map. Open your map and click on the settlement you wish to travel to. There is currently no "group" fast travel (minus perhaps the automatic teleports to Expeditions, Outpost Rush, Corrupted Invasion, and War), but there are several options for single-player travel. Fast travel is relatively simple; just travel to a settlement and open the map to select a settlement you want to travel to and click 'fast travel'. New World Fast Travel Map
The New world game is all about quests, and these quests require you to travel from one location to other.
Furthermore, the action requires Azoth, a rare resource.
New World Fast Travel Map Fast travel is relatively easy, you only need to travel to a settlement, open the map to choose a settlement you want to travel to, and click "fast travel". Find an Inn you selected as your fast travel point. Fast travel in New World is also available via using the resource Azoth.