K Map Examples

K Map Examples. Each cell represents the combination of three inputs. The final expression is F = A'B'C'+BC+ABC'. Firstly, draw the truth table for the given equation. K map obviates the need to use complex Boolean theorems and maneuvering equations. Three variable K Map may be represented as- The K-map for three variables has eight cells, each one of which represents one of the possible eight combinations of three inputs. K Map Examples

K Map Examples To find the simplified boolean expression in the SOP form, we combine the product-terms of all individual groups. In this process, the information available in the form of a truth table or SOP (Sum of Product) form or POS (Product of Sum. For example, we can rewrite the truth table from above as follows.

Now, we have to properly label the boxes for this let's start with a truth table.

Example: Designing with Don't-Care Values In some situations, we don't care about the value of a logic function.

K Map Examples Karnaugh map (K-map): A Karnaugh map (K-map) is a pictorial method used to minimize Boolean expressions without having to use Boolean algebra theorems and equation manipulations. Karnaugh Maps (K-Maps) Karnaugh Maps (K-Maps) are one way to come up with a minimized SOP formula for a boolean function. It uses a pictorial style in minimizing the Boolean expression.