World Map Of Y Dna Haplogroups. The data in this map is supposed to represent the situation before the recent European expansion. The maps on this page represents the distribution of Human Y-chromosomal DNA (Y-DNA) haplogroups. Y DNA Haplogroup Map of the World. The map below shows genetic differences across Eurasia. Notes: The Y-DNA haplogroup(s) with the highest % in that area (or is notable); Population/language/region name in which the haplogroup is the majority or the genetic marker of movement; Migration routes are drawn according to Coastal Migration model. World Map Of Y Dna Haplogroups
Y-DNA haplogroups map of the world.
As man migrated, he adapted to his surroundings.
World Map Of Y Dna Haplogroups Y DNA and mtDNA haplogroup maps chart the deep origins of your paternal or maternal lines. Y DNA Haplogroup Map of the World. Muy interesante este mapa, que aunque no es exacto refleja la distribución mundial de los haplogrupos-Y.