Gta 5 Usa Map. Liberty City is based on New York City and is one of the three settings of. The city of Los Santos comprises the southern end of the map and is based on the real-life city of Los Angeles. It's marked as 'Lago Zancudo', located next to Mount Josiah, below the North Chumash beach on the west side of the map. A flag of the United States in Paleto Bay, Grand Theft Auto V. The actual playable part of the map, seen below, is the southern part of San Andreas. Gta 5 Usa Map
Most of the locations in the games are based on cities and states found in the actual USA.
In the Grand Theft Auto universe, the vast majority of the locations in the games are based on cities and states found in the real-life USA, with the country logically serving as the franchise's main setting.
Gta 5 Usa Map Be aware, medium and large might not work for you or even crash the game! For example, Liberty City is based on the city of New York, Vice City is based on the city of Miami and the Keys located in South. A flag of the United States in Paleto Bay, Grand Theft Auto V.