Before World War. Russia's political system was archaic and fragile, however, while its economy, still reliant on agriculture, lacked the industrial strength of its European neighbours. Germany's economy was one of the fast-growing in the. This section of the Archive examines the wars which led up to the First World War, and generally follow a similar structure and formula. Women in the Workforce Before World War One. World War II: Before the War. Before World War
On the eve of World War I, Great Britain had enjoyed almost a century of unparalleled peace and prosperity.
Great Britain before World War I.
Before World War Jews in Europe came from small towns as well as cities, and they were active in music, theater, politics, the military, business, and education. This, along with British ingenuity, made it the world's largest industrial economy and naval power. Germany is the first port-of-call in any study of the origins of World War I.