Against World Literature. The central concept of Against World Literature is the 'Untranslatable': a word or other semantic unit that cannot easily be rendered from one language to another, an 'intransigent nub of meaning that triggers endless translating in response to its resistant singularity'. And the difference has political implications, as Poorva Rajaram and Michael Griffith argued in a critical response to "World Lite" in the Indian news organization Tehelka. As a result, incommensurability and what Apter calls the "untranslatable" are insufficiently built into the literary heuristic. Against World Literature: On the Politics of Untranslatability argues for a rethinking of comparative literature focusing on the problems that emerge when large-scale paradigms of literary studies ignore the politics of the "Untranslatable"—the realm of those words that are continually retranslated, mistranslated, transferred from language to language, or especially resist Against World Literature: On the Politics of Untranslatability argues for a rethinking of comparative literature focusing on the problems that emerge when large-scale paradigms of literary studies. Such topoi include globalization, literary world-systems, national canon formation, periodicity, critical humanism, authorial ownership and deownership, law and literature, and pedagogy. Against World Literature
Against World Literature: On the Politics of Untranslatability - Ebook written by Emily Apter.
Emily Apter's study is essential reading for scholars working across nations and.
Against World Literature The book engages in a polemical critique of recent efforts to revive World Literature models of literary studies (Moretti, Casanova, etc) on the grounds that they construct their curricula on an. against world literature: on the politics of untranslatability argues for a rethinking of comparative literature focusing on the problems that emerge when large-scale paradigms of literary studies ignore the politics of the "untranslatable"—the realm of those words that are continually retranslated, mistranslated, transferred from language to … Against World Literature: On the Politics of Untranslatability argues for a rethinking of comparative literature focusing on the problems that emerge when large-scale paradigms of literary studies ignore the politics of the "Untranslatable"—the realm of those words that are continually retranslated, mistranslated, transferred from language to. Against World Literature has an astonishing range of critical and literary reference, with the introduction moving rapidly through an overview of world literature today, translation studies, the philosophy of Walter Benjamin and Wittgenstein, theology and language, and culminating in an attempt to "conjugate" the abstruse writings of Alain Badiou with those of the French philosopher of language Barbara Cassin. Against World Literature: On the Politics of Untranslatability argues for a rethinking of comparative literature focusing on the problems that emerge when large-scale paradigms of literary studies ignore the politics of the "Untranslatable"—the realm of those words that are continually retranslated, mistranslated, transferred from language to language, or especially resistant to substitution.